
Continuing Culture-Industry & Nature at Ramand:

Through seeking help from great God and support of all authorities and attempt of employees at national production and support from Iranian work and capital year, the culture-industry & nature complex of Ramand consisting of 3 phases including: first phase with producing and packaging more than 60 types of agricultural and garden crops with best quality and diversity is offered to public.

Launching Phase 2 and 3: Culture & Nature of Ramand after completion of first phase of production is going to launch a new production line

Cereal Including: Wheat, barley, rice, high quality flour having husk and producing raw materials of spaghetti,

Producing semi-baked potato with new technology

Producing healthy fruitroll from different type of fruits, producing different kind of pharmaceutical plants, spicy foods, jam and fruit pickle from farm and transferring to factory that will be offered for people in Iran and abroad